The Coromal Magnum Transforma caravan is a nice compromise between a camper trailer and a full sized caravan.
The caravan can fit under a standard height garage/carport when it is in storage. The expander style works well for our family and is easy to tow for us first-time caravaners. You can still get inside while it is packed up to access the fridge or sit at the table for lunch. You also get into places that bigger vans just can't fit because of tight 4wd tracks and overhanging branches.

The caravan features a 95L 3-way fridge, one 105 A/H AGM battery and one fixed 160kw solar panel on the roof. This has been proven to be sufficient enough for most of our needs. The battery and solar system is capable enough to charge phones, tablets, laptops, battery powered tools, cameras and drones.

It is important to note that the current set up does have its limitations. While charging phones and tablets is ok everyday, any other item can only be charged once in one day, otherwise it does strain the battery system. In case you're interested in what we think is ideal, two lithium batteries, 300kw solar panel coupled with an inverter capable of more than 2000w, would be the way to go.
It has a double bed, queen bed and the lounge converts to a full size single bed. The unexpected luxury item we scored was an air conditioner! If you're wondering if you need an air conditioner, I'd say absolutely, especially if you travel in variable climates. However, unless you have a pretty fancy battery system or a generator, you won't be able to run an air conditioner if you don't have access to power.

Inside Caravan Tour
I made a video about the inside of the Coromal Magnum Transforma and how we live in it while travelling. If you want honesty and a back to basics video, you'll definitely get some good information. Also, this was one of the most difficult videos I've put together, I had the worst case of stage fright, if that can even be a thing while talking by yourself to a camera! I found it quite daunting to talk to camera and the whole time I was wondering if anyone really wants to watch. Honestly, I don't know how other vloggers do it. If you do decide to take a look, I'd love some comments and feedback.
X Mia
The Grand inside tour of our caravan!
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